Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

rsync dari sever dengan ssh

sedikit tips dan trik dari saya.


bagai mana rsync ke server melalui ssh, baik lah tanpa basa basi ini caranya.
rsync -avhP -e "ssh -p port_number" root@ipaddress_or_host:/source/location_file /Destination/on_your_computer

yang perlu di tekankan dalah -e untuk memilih mode protokol yang di gunakan dan -p port number yang digunakan karena ssh server saya tidak mengunakan port 22.

rsync from sever through ssh

well this little bit tips and tricky, handy for me may for another people. ;)

this case I used because, in my computer have bad connection directly to server but so good on local intranet, honestly it little bit nasty because it was use for download torrent then sync complete download to my computer. LOL

okay go head. this command I run on my computer which is use Lubuntu.
rsync -avhP -e "ssh -p port_number" root@ipaddress or host:/source/location_file /Destination/on_your_computer


most important things is -e which use to choice protocol to ssh and use option -p because that my ssh server port doesn't use port number 22.
