jadi begitu sudah tau keanehan terdapat pada pemaketan saya langsung dah tanya sama mbah google. jadi ngak sengaja dapat pengetahuan apa beda apt-get dan aptitude :D
jadi intinya apt-get itu punya 16 command yang harus di hapal (mungkin ya) kalau mau maintenance packet terutama pas menghapus packet yang di khawatirkan adanya orphan packet gitu. :D
jadi commandya antara lain
- apt-get: Installing and removing packages from your system, as well as updating package lists and upgrading the software itself.
- apt-cache: Search for packages in the package list maintained by apt on the local system
- dpkg- Used for various administrative tasks to your system, such as reconfiguring Xorg
- apt-listbugs: See what bugs are listed on a software package before you install it.
- apt-listchanges: Same thing as apt-listbugs, but for non-bug changes.
- apt-rdepends: Tool for viewing dependency trees on packages.
- deborphan- Look for orphaned dependencies on the system left from removing parent packages.
- debfoster- Helps deborphan identify what package dependencies you no longer need on your system.
- dselect- Curses interface for viewing, selecting and searching for packages on your system.
dan tambahannya apt-cdrom, apt-config, apt-extracttemplates, apt-ftparchive, apt-key, apt-mark and apt-sortpkgs. jadi totalnya 16 bener ngak ? itu tadi dia atas copas dari sumbernya :D
jadi di sini ceritanya keindahan command aptitude itu dengan beberapa command dia bisa me-manage seperti orphan package itu. kita liat commannya aptitiude.
- aptitude: Running it with no arguments brings up a beautiful interface to search, navigate, install, update and otherwise administer packages.
- aptitude install: Installing software for your system, installing needed dependencies as well.
- aptitude remove: Removing packages as well as orphaned dependencies.
- aptitude purge: Removing packages and orphaned dependencies as well as any configuration files left behind.
- aptitude search: Search for packages in the local apt package lists.
- aptitude update: Update the local packages lists.
- aptitude upgrade: Upgrade any installed packages that have been updated.
- aptitude clean: Delete any downloaded files necessary for installing the software on your system.
- aptitude dist-upgrade: Upgrade packages, even if it means uninstalling certain packages.
- aptitude show: Show details about a package name.
- aptitude autoclean: Delete only out-of-date packages, but keep current ones.
- aptitude hold: Fix a package at it’s current version, and don’t update it.
kelihatan kan keindahan, kemudahan, dan kepraktisan dalam menggunakan aptitiude, jadi mulai sekarang mulai gunakan aptitude dan biasakan menggunakannya. at least that is our choice to use aptitude or apt-get. kalau ada yg praktis dan mudah kenapa ngak.
sumber :
jd intiny untuk kami yg masi awam ni, apo beda ke2 ny tu??
BalasHapusapt-get install = aptitude install ??
intinya pilihan di anda, tapi bagusnya pakai aptitude aja. seperti yang di bilang di tulisan yang pernah saya baca.
BalasHapus"Using aptitude for package management instead of apt-get, please note that it is bad practice to use aptitude and apt-get interchangeably, as they record separately the changes made by a user."