Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

apache traffic server as internet accelerator (forward proxy)

squid make me mad in crazy configuration, well a lot of configuration about tuning squid if would like to search also a lot of bloging and writing about squid too, exactly cause most of people said squid is old horse working proxy software. and I not doubt about it, but I love to try something new because it's my passion about bleeding edge and something better and faster.

so why I'd thing to leave squid because of he is old working horse mean no power. LOL (it's joke don't mind). just because want to try something faster for caching in local network for about 12 user computer with a pity bandwidth in Indonesia. that was I tried use combine squid with varnish like I got here and here

but the result in my computer doesn't satisfied me, because of the varnish originally is reverse proxy and it's doesn't forward proxy. it will make you crazy if you want to inverted from reverse to forward proxy. :D and that why squid is still needed here to help varnish work. and the second problem is I have problem with when I do update application or browsing on my client the request is loaded first to the varnish first then transfered to client. it will be problem if didn't have dedicate internet(stable connection) & pretty big enough bandwidth to load. and the result a big packet are failed and delaying access happened.

well I admit that varnish is fast and you can check by googling which is varnish are faster than squid. and I tested on my machine are second hits are good and fast.  just wondering is had any software for my proxy cache sever because I got any problem (proxy very slow) when I moved my box from ubuntu 12.04 to the Centos 6 because of stability reason and long term support. ;)

oh, I found that amazing(maybe :D) the ATS(apache traffic sever) I read is amazing and I thought it amazing because it was use and already tested on yahoo, and as usually I love benchmark, soon as possible I check about speed bechmark, and that result some of test defeated varnish and sure squid ;)

lets see what I do :

install ATS on our Linux box, here I used CentOS 6.

Firstly, you must add the EPEL repositories if you haven’t already:
rpm -ivh http://mirror.us.leaseweb.net/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm

Next, we can just use yum to install Traffic Server and enabled service :
yum install trafficserver
chkconfig trafficserver on

then editing file configuration on  /etc/trafficserver some file configuration I modified is :


  • The main configuration file. This is where you configure core settings like global configuration, socket setup and certain features you want to enable. I changing some value :

# To enable forward proxy, you must turn off remap_required
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 0

#If your proxy is serving as pure forward proxy, you will also want to set
CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled 0

CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_port INT 8080
CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_port_attr STRING X



  • Configure the data store. This is, where you configure the location and type of your data storage which holds cached objects. I just change amount and location.

/var/cache/trafficserver 256M

/home/cache 5G

at moment only that I configured on my linux box, but seems ATS is more tidy and more easy to understand for further configuration. you can see there is module configuration to modified.

reference :




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